This one’s for the love of my life. We’ve been together for 13 years (i hope I got that right!). I’ve been chastised for many years for never writing her a song. Finally i have.
She doesn’t think so, but she’s fearless. And so talented. She created the artwork I chose for this Single – made of coloured wool, pencil and black marker calligraphy.

The words are from Jarod Kintz – a poet. I’m not much into poetry but he was pretty funny and worth a read.
I was 13 or so.. when i saw ‘When Harry Met Sally’ a great romantic comedy with the great Billy Crystal, and the other love of my life Meg Ryan… before she went weird. The soundbite at the end is from the movie. Let’s grow old together too.

In the words of Mr. Kintz: ‘Love now, not later. Also, love later.’